
allotment museum

The children have a plan to turn our house into "half house, half museum".  I think we will achieve this with no problem as the whole place is filled with small collections, each vital and important to the owner and we have an ever expanding list of 'interests and hobbies' between us (buttons, crazy bones, real bones, dead insects, pets, pieces of rock which look a bit like toffee...).

We all work hard at the 'Allotment Museum' though... as official allotment weeder I often find the piece of treasure, which is then taken and washed in the trough by the self-designated curator, taken home and put into the right section and then labeled by the official sign-writer...

Today things have taken a turn though - we found four pieces of treasure for our museum collection in only one hour and signs have been made for the front and back doors of the house...

I have a slight fear that I might be charged an admission fee when I get back tomorrow evening...


makey vicky said...

How wonderful. Future directors of the British Museum I should think! I did the same when I was little in a glass fronted cabinet with carefully written signs.

Caroline Lovis (Redneedle) said...

What a lovely idea, definitely one to be encouraged and what alovley display case too

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Melanie:
How absolutely enchanting all of this is, not least because it takes us back to our own childhoods when 'collecting' was, of course, an endless fascination. Indeed, which child does not want to have his or her own museum?

This is, we feel, to be very much encouraged as both your boys could well turn out to be directors of National museums at a very early age, thus ensuring you indirect fame, if not fortune.

We love the variety of your blog which we have discovered via A Quiet Corner.

Melanie Wickham said...

What great, encouraging 'museum' comments! I think real museums have storage problems due to immense amount of objects in their collections too, don't they, so we really are living the museum scene here...