
small children and sharp tools...

The smaller people in our house are always drawn to tools - axes and saws, wood engraving tools, sharp kitchen knives...

When I'm feeling very patient I have started letting them do a bit of lino cutting, but I have to close my eyes to tools aiming at fingers or waving around in the air as they chat away mid-session because I have told them on repeat, well over two thousand times to cut away from their hands and keep the tools on the table when not in use!

This time we only needed one sticking plaster and the blood stopped flowing very quickly so the message must be getting through.  And after all, my adult classes have sometimes needed the odd bandage!

They love the whole process, designing, cutting, printing and just look at these two pictures, both by a five year old (who did have some cutting help for the trickiest shapes!).


Caroline Lovis (Redneedle) said...

I agree they look amazing and would make wonderful keepsakes but how sharp is sharp and how easy is it for them to cut the lino. I ask out of genuine interest :)

Leah Marie said...

This is so beautiful! I was doing carvings last year and now all my friends are. It makes me so happy to pass on the creative outlet!

June said...

Learning how to use tools correctly (and prevent accidents) is a lesson that will assist them through life. Brilliant you for supervising such actions despite the anxiety!
And the print results show what wonderful rewards they are already gaining for their efforts :o)